MODULE 3 : Jikoshoukai じこしょうかい - Introduce Yourself
Hello! Welcome to Module 3 of this course. This module Jikoshokai is about introducing yourself. There are a total of three parts in this module which are: Name, Country and Occupation Meeting people for the first time Questions and Answers By completing this module, you should be able to introduce yourself and others in Japanese! Let us begin with how to introduce yourself! Introducing Yourself Hajimemashite ( はじめまして) When you meet someone for the first time, you will say " Hajimemashite ". " Hajimemashite " literally means in the beginning, but it is also gives the same meaning as " nice to meet you " Introducing Your Name There are several ways for you to introduce your name: [name] desu - [name] です As you can see in the video, Keiko introduced herself by saying " Keiko desu ". Watashi wa [name] desu - わたしは [name] です Keiko can also introduce herself as " Watashi wa Keiko desu " which means "...
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