MODULE 2 : Aisatsu あいさつ - Let's Be Polite

The Japanese are very well known for their politeness and well-mannered attitude.  Let's go through a few of them here.

"Sumimasen" means "excuse me" and is used when there is a need to interfere in a middle of a conversation or as a start in asking a question.

Another usage of "Sumimasen" is to say that you're sorry and in reply to that, the other party would follow up by answering "lie" which conveys that it is okay or that the apology is accepted.

I'm pretty sure that many of you are familiar with the word "Arigatō gozaimasu."  It simply means "thank you."  Do you know what the reply is?  Whenever someone says "Arigatō gozaimasu" to you, you should reply him / her with "Dōitashimashite" which means "you are welcome."


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