MODULE 1A - Hiragana ひらがな (A,Ka,Sa,Ta, and Na-Line)

What is Hiragana?

Hiragana is a collection of 46 Japanese characters that is used in native Japanese words. Learning Hiragana will help you to learn how to pronounce the words originated from the Japanese language. Each of the Hiragana characters represents different sounds. They are easy to learn because each of the characters is represented by one pronunciation. 

In this first module, we will learn to recognize and pronounce all the 46 Hiragana characters.

First, let us watch an overview video of all the 46 characters and how to pronounce them: 

Now that you have listened to the pronunciation of the characters, let us take a look at the hiragana chart

Japanese Hiragana Character Chart

Just like the English Language, Japanese Language also have vowel characters and sounds: 

a (あ)  i (い)  u (う)  e (え)  o (お) - these is known as the "a"-line in the chart

Now, please prepare your pens and papers because we are going to learn how to write the "a"-line characters. Please refer to the chart below and follow the steps of stroke. You can ask your sensei and friends for assistance.

Next we are going to learn how to write the characters in the "ka"-line of the hiragana chart. The characters are :
か (ka), き (ki), く (ku), け (ke) and こ (ko)

Next we are going to learn how to write the characters in the "sa"-line of the hiragana chart. The characters are :
さ (sa), し (shi), す (su), せ (se) and そ (so) 

Next we are going to learn how to write the characters in the "ta"-line of the hiragana chart. The characters are :
た (ta), ち (chi), つ (tsu), て (te) and と (to)

Next we are going to learn how to write the characters in the "na"-line of the hiragana chart.
The characters are:
な (na), に (ni), ぬ (nu), ね (ne) and の (no)

Let us stop here for a while to give you some room to practice. In the mean time, you can watch the video below to see how these characters are written.

If you are ready, let us move on to the next lesson:

MODULE 1A - Hiragana ひらがな (Ha,Ya,Ra,Ma and Wa-Line)


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