MODULE 2 : Aisatsu あいさつ - Goodbye

It's almost the end of this module.  Let's excuse ourselves for leaving and say goodbye.  How do we do it in Japanese?  Let's take a look below.

"Osaki ni shitsurei itashimasu" is used to say goodbye in a formal environment.  For example, when it is time to go home after work and your colleagues are still at work, you say " Osaki ni shitsurei itashimasu" which conveys a message that you apologize for leaving before your colleagues and acknowledge that they are still at work.

"Sayōnara" is used to say goodbye as well.  The difference is that "Sayōnara" is used when you are saying "good bye" for a long time.  In reply to that, the other party would answer "Dewa mata" which means "see you again."


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